UNESCO Postcards.

UNESCO Postcards
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UNESCO postcard RU-152
20 April 2024
27 May 2024
Duration: 37 days
Feedback: 5 Stars
About: Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments
Photo by JuliaSaleh
23 Jun 2024, 13:40:14
About stamps:
19 Rub
A Joint Issue – Russian Federation and the United Mexican States. To the 125th Anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations
Artist-designer – Ivanova O.
Photo – Litvyak I.
№ 2017
St. Petersburg. The Peter and Paul Fortress

The Peter and Paul Fortress is a historical, military and engineering monument of St Petersburg. Its foundation stone was laid on a small Zayachy (Hare) Island by the north bank of the Neva River in May 1703. The Fortress is an architectural complex designed by Joseph-Gaspard Lambert de Guerin. The Peter and Paul Cathedral, the Boathouse, the Artillery Storeroom, the Mint, the Governor’s house, the Engineers’ house, the Guardhouse etc. were built during 18th – 19th centuries.
23 Jun 2024, 13:42:57
30 Rub
№ 2320. Joint issue between the RCC Communications Administrations. Great Arctic State Nature Reserve

Artist-designer – Kradyshev A.
№ 2320
Great Arctic State Nature Reserve

The Great Arctic State Nature Reserve is the largest reserve in Russia and Eurasia and the third largest in the world. It has an area of 41,692 square kilometers, including 9,810 square kilometers of sea area. The reserve is located on the islands and shores of the Arctic Ocean. It is surrounded by the Kara and Laptev Seas. Permafrost is found throughout the entire Great Arctic State Nature Reserve. Moss and lichen are major vegetation types. Among the birds inhabiting the tundra are the snowy owl, the rock ptarmigan, the Steller’s Eider, the brant and rare gull species: the Ross’s gull, the Sabine’s gull and the ivory gull. 100 bird species can be found throughout the reserve. There are 24 mammal species and 25 fish species inhabiting the territory. Big mammals live in the reserve: the polar bear, the reindeer, the muskox. Arctic foxes, wolverines, stoats and lemmings are usual inhabitants in the area. The walrus, the beluga whale, the ringed seal and the bearded seal are widespread in the Arctic seas.

The postage stamp features a snowy owl against the typical landscape of the Great Arctic State Nature Reserve.
23 Jun 2024, 13:47:11
48 RUB
№ 2713. To the 75th Anniversary of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Artist-designer – Povarihin A.
UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, is a specialized agency of the United Nations for educational, scientific and cultural issues.

The organization was founded on November 16, 1945; it is headquartered in Paris (France). Currently, it amounts to 195 member states, 2 observer states and 10 associate members, which are territories that are not responsible for the conduct of their international relations.

The aims declared by the organization are to promote world peace and security through wider international cooperation between states and peoples in the fields of education, sciences, and culture; to ensure justice and observance of lawfulness, universal respect for human rights and fundamental human freedoms proclaimed in the UN Charter for all peoples, regardless of race, gender, language, orientation or religion.

The postal stamp provides an image of the UNESCO emblem and symbols of the main activities of the organization.
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