UNESCO Postcards.

UNESCO Postcards
with random members!

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No available partners ...
22 Jan 2023, 13:42:27
Hey there!

I just tried to send four postcards and was only able to draw two addresses (although I tried nearly all German UNESCO WHS + four Dutch WHS (as I will be there coming weekend). Does anyone else have the same problem?

Of course I could choose foreign cards I still have to send (with German stamps), but that is not really wished here on the website. I know you can choose to receive a WHS multiple times, but that probably won't change the problem.

Does anyone else think that some people will not use this website for long time as there are so few options to send cardd?!

Have a nice Sunday! :D
10 Jan 2024, 13:15:19
Unfortunately, it still happens often. Just tried again, no available partners but 9 open slots for me.. this problem is ongoing for sooo long now and still no solution found 🥴
17 May 2023, 18:41:45
Again, a lot of slots open for me. Could only pull 1 address...really frustrating 😔
17 May 2023, 18:40:38
Again, a lot of slots open for me. Could only pull 1 address...really frustrating 😔
04 May 2023, 09:52:47
Poor me, I thought I was the only one...I am in the same sad situation
17 Apr 2023, 16:04:23
Every now and then I experience the same. It's gotten a lot better though. I'm pretty sure the issue is still the same: not too many active members.
17 Apr 2023, 08:58:27
Since a few days, this is again happening...more than enough open slots for me but no available partners, no matter what site in Germany I am choosing :(
15 Feb 2023, 22:34:07
@catlover ... I have not asked for new addresses since a few days.
15 Feb 2023, 18:06:03
@Xiaoi, do you have the impression it got better during the past like 2 or 3 weeks?
I would say so, so fingers crossed that we are all able to send lovely cards :)
25 Jan 2023, 21:31:13
Thanks for everyone's replies. So we just have to wait until there are some more (active) members. Let us wait and see. ;)
25 Jan 2023, 17:32:34
The main reason is the number of members. There are 41 active members. 24 that registered but never requested to send a postcard and 21 that have cards in progress (5 members from the last 7 days).

I'll try to see how I can help those that did not requested an address yet. Maybe they don't know that they have to send first or they were just courious about the club.

It seems that there are members that register but not all send postcards. It's the same in other clubs too. Some will register just to check. I don't know how I can help those to actually send a postcard.
24 Jan 2023, 20:59:32
I just posted in 2 of my facebook groups to promote and hopefully get a few new members here...fingers crossed 🥳
24 Jan 2023, 14:14:08
Well, it´s still a good idea to promote this site - every postcrossing profile I read with an interest in UNESCO I send a link to this :-)
23 Jan 2023, 18:31:08
Same here....unpatiently wait to send, enough slots available 🙈
22 Jan 2023, 23:14:22
Ah, okay. So we have to wait and see if enough people sign up here, so that we can send and receive cards. ;)
22 Jan 2023, 21:46:58
I always run into this problem. It's not because of the site you choose (at the moment), but because of the limited number of users I guess. I have received far more cards than were registered so far and looking at other people's stats, it's the same for them.

I often try to draw an address multiple times a day (after someone registered a card) and hope to be lucky and get an address ;)
22 Jan 2023, 13:44:49
Edit, I only could draw 1 address.
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